9 Mayıs 2012 Çarşamba

Histology Of The Prostate

*Prostate glands consists of glandular lobules, up to 50 in al, which converge to open via about 20 seperate ducts into irregular outpockets of the prostatic urethra.(1)

*Ejeculatory ducts join the prostatic urethra just before its exit from the prostate gland.(1)

*Secretory product of the postate, which makes up about 75% of the seminal fluid.(1)

*The prostataic glandular epithelıum varies from inactive, low cuboidal to active, pseudostratified columnar depending on the degre of stimulation by androgen.(1)

*The secrotory product  is stored temporarily within the gland and often forms amorphous masses called corpora amylacea.(1)

*Utricule is the Müllerian remnant.

* The peripheral zone contains the main glands located posterio-laterally in the outer parenchyma of the gland and is the site most susceptible to inflammation (prostatitis) and malignant neoplasia.(2)

*The central zone  is the region surrounding the utricle and ejaculatory ducts. Interestingly, this zone is relatively resistant to inflammation and hyperplasia. (2) It may look like H-PIN.

*The transitional and periurethral zones  surrounds the prostatic urethra and contains submucosal and mucosal glands that undergo non-cancerous proliferation, leading to benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). (2)                                                                                       McNeal's model of zonal anatomy of the prostate

for virtual microscopy

*(1)Functional Histology-A Text And the Colour Atlas - P.R.Wheather

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