19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Inflammatory Conditions III

Postbiopsy Granlomas: 
  • After 9 days to 52 months of transurethral resection.
  • Although its much more common to have granulomatous rxn following TUR similar linear granulomas may rarely develop following a needle bx. 
  • Postbiopsy granulomas are composed of central region of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by palisading epithelioid histiocytes.
  • In contrast to infectious granulomas, the necrosis in postbiopsy granulomas often contains ghost lıke structures of  vessels, acini and stroma.
  • Wedge shaped granulomas , irregularity of their shapes (granulomas) distinguishes these granulomas from  infectious granulomas.
  • Postbiopsy granulomasalso  rarelyoccur following a needle bx.
  • The postbiopsy granulomas appears to be a rxn to altered epithelium and stroma from the trauma of previous cautery.
  • Posrbiopsy granulomas are asymptomatic, incidental findings requiring no treatment.
Systemic Granulomatous Prostatitis:   
  • Cases with eosinophilia such as allergic granulomatous prostatitis - Church Strauss ,without eosinophlia- Wegener
  • Histopathology; multiple, small , ovoid, granulomas surrounded by numerous eosinophils.
  • Regularity of size and shape of these granulomas, the eosinophilic necrosis within the granulomas and extensive infiltration of eosinophils throughout stroma, not just surrounding the granulomas , seperate this entitiy from that of postbiopsy ranulomas with eosinophils.
 *Source: Biopsy Interpretation of the Prostate -Jonathan I. Epstein

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