19 Mayıs 2012 Cumartesi

Inflammatory Conditions I

Acute and Chronic Prostatic Inflammation:
  • Diagnosed clinically and treated by antibiotics.
  • Acute prostatitis ; - sheets of neutrophils within the acini  -intraductal desquamated cellular debris - stromal edema ad hyperemia
  • The biopsy of TUR of a man with clinical acute prostatitis is contraindicated, can result in sepsis or other complications such as stricture.
  • Should be diagnosed as "prostate tissue with acute inflammation"
  • Prostatic abscesses ; bladder outlet obstruction secondary to a lower urinary tract infection, usually due to coliform organisms. Much less frequently dissemination from skin -stafilococcus or complication of biopsy or instrumentation.
  • Chronic inflammation (in BPH) and chronic prostatitis distinguish is difficult
  • Prostatitis may lead to serum PSA elevation.
  • We comment on the histologic presence of chronic inflamation only when its prominent.
  • As in bladder majority of man prostatic malokoplakia have urinary infection , most frequently with E.coli.
  • In USG  prostatic induration and hipoechoic lesion.
  • Michaelis Gutmann bodies 

*Source: Biopsy Interpretation of the Prostate -Jonathan I. Epstein

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